Part 76: Day 34 - Gameplay
Day 34: GameplayMusic: neutral 2

The second research I generally grab from Disciplinary is Rabbits. They're good in a pinch, but sadly they're completely useless against the challenge coming today. Don't worry, their time will come. Oh yes it will come.

Our gear has been shuffled around somewhat as well. All of my HE or higher level White damage weapons are assigned to our Agents, for reasons which I shall make clear later.

Since today is going to get a little crazy, we'll start with our tool: a literal heart. It is very simple to understand: We can hold on to it all day and as long as we never try to return it nothing bad can happen.

So we let Mizu do that, since she's got a big heart-shaped hole in her clothes.

Now, to Apocalypse Bird. The first step of fighting it is triggering it, which means we have to free two of the three Birds. There's some debate about what the best way to purposely release the Birds is, but my favorite is to start by reducing Big Bird down to QC 1 to start with.

With Repression work to give us on-demand Bads, this isn't very hard for Tenebrais to do. Doing this kicked the Parasite Tree to 4, so we also have Mizu work with it. Now as soon as 5 employees die Big Bird will breach. As for how to kill 5 employees quickly

Judgment Bird deals a maximum of 7 Pale damage per hit. Talow has a 0.8x multiplier from his suit's level, and 0.5x from his suit's resistance. This means each hit from JB is at most 2.8 Pale damage, or a little under 3% of his HP. Even if he fails all 24 boxes, he'll only take a little over 67% of his HP in damage, making using him to provoke the Bird into breaching incredibly easy. The best part is that if we're trying to fight Apocalypse Bird, we should have a Justita suit already.

Judgment Bird, when freed, wanders the halls and occasionally attacks the entire room it's in for 30-40 Pale damage, like so:

Clerks have 2.0x Pale modifiers, and as their suits are considered ZAYINs they have an additional 1.5x modifier. This means that Judgment Bird will deal them between 90-120% of their max HP with every attack. Since Central has 20 clerks instead of every other department's 10, it doesn't take long before
Music: First Trumpet

Tenebrais and Boksi are set in front of Yang and Nothing There.

Credentia is hanging out in Firebird's corridor.

Meanwhile, Sephiroth and Mr.Blond are keeping an eye out in Safety.

We also put Talow and SeyserKoze in the elevator in the far left of Welfare. If we're lucky, none of them should be doing any fighting today.

While the birds work their way up to Control, Big Bird snacks on each Clerk it runs into on the way. This gives me more than enough time to get everyone else moved into position.

That position is this elevator. It's a nice central location with quick access to everywhere in the facility aside Welfare, letting me quickly move wherever we need to go. This stack has every source of White damage in the entire facility, including all of our Spore spears (which, as you'll recall, increase their target's vulnerability to White attacks)

Also Mr.Black is there for some reason.

The waiting is honestly the hardest part at this stage.

Music: neutral 4

If you remember the Emergency Level Mechanics chat, the danger level in the facility goes down by 1 every 15 seconds. It takes Big Bird so long to get from Disciplinary up to Control that no other threats spawn and the music resets before it even gets there.

At this point, with Big Bird almost into the gate, I do two things.

The first is to zoom all the way out. The second is set the speed down to 1x.

A loud roar echoes, and Apocalypse Bird spawns into Control.

And for the first time in this LP, I am Not Screwing Around.


Let's talk about this Bird, shall we?

Apocalypse Bird has a number of options to damage Agents, and any attempt to fight it head-on is doomed to failure due to its complete immunity to any form of damage and 330,000 HP. None of that matters because we never want to engage it directly, and since it's too big for hallways it's stuck teleporting between main rooms. Unfortunately for us, it will steal control of our Agents and force them to slowly walk to its room-taking them away from us until they arrive, at which point if we don't move them they will try to engage the Bird in combat and die horribly. On top of this it spawns Meltdowns periodically through the facility. This means that if we don't stay on top of things, we can suddenly find ourselves dealing with Nothing There, Yin or Blue Star breaching in the middle of the fight-all but a death sentence for our facility.
Oh. And of course, we can't pause.
In order to damage it, we need to target three eggs, which spawned into three random Main Rooms. Each one gives Apocalypse Bird one of its attacks, and they can also do other things as well. Let's go through them next.

The Big Eyes egg is weak to White damage and absorbs Black damage. If destroyed, the lights come back on and we don't need to worry about the possession ability any longer.

The Long Arms egg absorbs Pale and is 0.3x vs everything else, and combined with its high HP it is the tankiest of all three eggs by far. Destroying it disables the Pale attack, and most importantly it will give us back our ability to pause. It is unquestionably the highest priority target.

The Small Beak egg only enables a single attack. It's weak to Black, but absorbs Red. It's generally the lowest priority target.
Putting it all together, the fight is basically a battle of trying to attack eggs in the Main Rooms while running away from Apocalypse Bird when it appears in those rooms-all the while keeping an eye out for possessed employees to pull back or critical meltdowns that need to be addressed before ending our day the hard way.
To that end, my overall strategy looks like this:

This fight has too many moving parts to let me stick too closely to it, but if nothing else it's a fairly strong setup. Additionally, since none of our targets are immune to White damage, our weapon setup means we won't have to do a lot of micromanagement and our Spore spears will keep our damage boosted against each target.

As planned, everyone charges at Long Arms. Meanwhile, the Apocalypse Bird will sit up in Control performing attacks and mostly just killing Clerks. Every 15-25 seconds, it will teleport to another main room. So long as it isn't in one of the egg rooms, it's not an immediate threat to us right now. We still want to keep it on screen as much as possible.

This is what we're keeping an eye out for-it means the Apocalypse Bird is teleporting. We want to have all our Agents selected whenever we see this, and be ready to run out of the room we're in.

Luckily, its first teleport sends it to Disciplinary so our Agents can keep up the pressure. The particularly astute will notice that our mission is saying we've already finished 1 of our 3 suppressions. This is because the entrance, each egg, and the Apocalypse Bird itself each count as a different Abnormality for the purpose of this mission. It's theoretically possible to clear the mission by killing only two eggs and then ending the day, but there's absolutely no reason to ever do this.

The next teleport places it in Information, and out of our way again.

While there, it spawns the first set of meltdowns, hitting Forsaken Murderer, Laetitia, and Helper. None of them are an actual threat to any of my Agents, so I just ignore them and focus on hitting the egg while I have the chance.

Our luck runs out on the third teleport, and Apocalypse Bird shows up in Training. I retreat our agents to the elevator and take stock of the situation.

During this time I also move the camera around to see if any other meltdowns have appeared-there's one on the Shelter, but it can be ignored like the others. So far, so good.

Credentia seems to have wound up somewhere else, so I throw Boksi at it and wait for the Long Arm egg to die.

Meanwhile, we start to see some breakouts...

But we take down the first egg, returning our ability to pause.

Apocalypse Bird moved down to Welfare, and spawned more meltdowns. We'll need to have Talow and Seyser take care of the two WAW in Welfare before they cause problems. Meanwhile, Firebird still hasn't been worked why?

...Ah. Boksi apparently got possessed and picked a fight with the Apocalypse Bird, by himself. That cancels the work order we made, so we'll just quickly retreat him to the hallway to heal before he gets murdered. Since he's hurt we'll just have Tenebrais deal with Firebird-

This is how things can and do spiral out of control while dealing with Apocalypse Bird. In many ways it boils down to a fight to suppress the Long Arms egg before there's too much to deal with in real time, and then mopping up once we can pause again.

Tylana's up in Central 1, and she's possessed. This is inconvenient since it means she's going to wander around to try and find the Apocalypse Bird, and until she gets to him she can't be controlled. Worse, since she's a long way away from it she can't get to it quickly-we won't be able to control her again for a good while.

Credentia here is in the same boat, but she seems much more into it for some reason. (it's because the animation randomly broke on Tylana.

We do get lucky, though-Tenebrais is only being called by the Tree. We can break her out by clicking on her and send her to the Firebird so it doesn't break out-we do it, since it breaching would be a massive headache.

Meanwhile, I order a mass attack on the egg. Mr.Black is removed from the attack party, due to his Lamp E.G.O dealing Black damage.

Apocalypse Bird teleports up to Control again, and I'm just circling where Mr. Black is sitting, by himself, in an elevator. This is important for later.
Music: First Trumpet

More meltdowns spawn, Firebird wants more attention and we need to deal with La Luna unless we want to deal with her as well and with Credentia wandering around randomly we've got nobody on that side. I set this aside for a moment.

Mr.Black engages the Scarecrow, but he's got it handled by himself.

Meanwhile, it's time to have everyone run away again.

Now it's Ppodae AND the scarecrow.

Twee also gets tapped to run down to Disciplinary and deal with La Luna. She's got ~35 seconds on the timer to do it, and as the fastest person in the facility by a lot she'll make it there easily.

While the Agents do that, I wake up this random Clerk from getting pulled in by Parasite Tree. All the breaches mean it's been working overtime, and while we're only at one blessing I don't want to make more if I can avoid it.

That's basically all the time there is before the second egg gets finished off.

This turns the lights back on and stops Apocalypse Bird from possessing anyone else, though it doesn't help the agents who are already possessed. Credentia continues to do whatever she's doing.

Here's a better closeup of the Bird now that everything's working again. Its health bar is 2/3rds empty now, since there's only one egg left to crack. Unfortunately, things aren't going to get easier-now that it has fewer attacks to choose from, it can spawn meltdowns more frequently.

Like so. We have Boksi handle Nothing There, and Talow run over to handle Yin since Tenebrais is busy with Firebird.

Blue Star is also melting down, so we throw Mr. Blond at it, and I manage to remember 1.76 MHz exists as I throw Bishop up to handle it as well.

Meanwhile, Apocalypse Bird shows off the attack it gets from Small Beak. It literally fires a projectile that's like a second mouth while it fires out its first mouth and it's just not something we want to get hit with.

Apocalypse Bird teleports over to Training and starts some more meltdowns in the meanwhile.

Meanwhile, Bishop finishes up his work and expresses the thoughts of everyone in the entire facility.
Music: neutral 3

Gratuitous deathball shot.

We do have to snap Tenebrais out of the Tree's spell again, though.

Circled here is Twee, who walked all the way back up after finishing her work on La Luna. I order her to go down and help out.

We don't get to finish it off, as the Bird decides to come say hello again before we take down the egg.

Everyone runs from the Bird to the safety of the hallway, and I have circled Twee to remind everyone that she's still faithfully carrying out her last orders.

Meanwhile Boksi handles Nothing There before it causes a problem.

I swear I'm good at this game.

Finally we get a good shot of an attack. Apocalypse Bird fires off its mouth behind everyone in front of it, where it hovers.

It then grows teeth. Damage is done at this step, so Twee is fine.

And then it fires back through everyone to go back into the Bird. Looking closely, it seems Twee took ~28 Red damage from that hit.
No matter how powerful Apocalypse Bird is, its bite just can't beat the OG.

The Agents push in. The egg's owner isn't around to protect it.

The final egg falls.

A final, desperate roar crashes through the facility.

The Apocalypse Bird reaches one final time to the sky

And then stops moving, crashing to the ground.

Unlike every other Abnormality we have, Apocalypse Bird's bits have nowhere to return to. They'll be hanging around the facility for the rest of the day. Also, we can't have an Apocalypse Bird come out twice in a single day-we don't have to worry about freeing it again today.

The first major reward we get is a brand new E.G.O gift for all our agents: the Through the Dark Twilight wing. It's a flat +7 to all stats, and one of the most powerful gifts in the game. Everyone who lived through the day gets one, which is everyone.

Everyone except Credentia, that is. She was in the middle of being blessed by Parasite Tree when Apocalypse Bird died, so she was never given the wing. Oh, well.

We also had the heart equipped for long enough to get its full data. It's called the Heart of Aspiration, and it raises HP and Attack Speed. Just slap it on someone, let it do its thing, and never put it back-that's what it's designed for. In the future we should put it on someone whose weapon doesn't ignore Attack Speed, though. Whoops.

Crimson Dawn.

Crimson Done.

At this point, my goal is to get the day done with ASAP. The Bird seems especially prone to triggering the memory leak bug, and while my system's never given me problems before, I figured it would be a good idea to save things quickly.

Crimson Noon.

It's at this moment that I notice something absolutely awful.

Evil Kit's Temperance has been boosted to 3 by the wing. He can no longer fulfil his purpose in this facility because of this, so I need a new Agent to throw at the Woodsman. Whoops.

Anyways, Crimson Noon finishing up gives us the energy we need to complete the day. And what a day it was.

Our newbies are all basically maxed out, so we'll likely be bringing some more in tomorrow.

But for now our long day is finally over.
Next time, on Lobotomy Corporation: We meet the Rabbit Team captain
New Gear

Requirements: Listed above
*Not affected by Attack Speed

Requirements: Fortitude EX, Prudence EX, Temperance EX, Justice EX
New Story
The Heart of Aspiration
VIDEO: Apocalypse Bird Suppression